Nikki Lynn Chase is the mom of the only two kids in the world with their diagnosis: an unbalanced translocation of chromosomes 2 and 8.

Though medically and emotionally challenging with their laundry list of special needs, Bootsie and Sandler continue to thrive the odds, inspire the world and provide their mom with endless stories to tell. Thanks to an abundance of perspective and humor, Nikki has the ability to see the positive in unforeseen circumstances and smile through them.

In addition to raising her two children, Nikki’s passion is sharing her often crazy and unbelievable journey through life's unanticipated moments through podcasting and public speaking.

A Little Bit More About Us

A very special thank you to Bootsie and Sandler for being my purpose in life. You have not only been the greatest gifts to me and the universe, but have also taught me that “today (and everyday) is the best day of my life!”

And thank you to Ed and Gwen Rudolph, the only two people in the world who were allowed to tell me, “You’re only given what you can handle." My gratitude for your support when this adventure called 'parenting' began goes beyond the moon! I know you've got my back in between golf swings in heaven and this podcast is for you.

— Nikki Lynn Chase

Nikki Lynn Chase photo

Nikki is also available to travel for speaking engagements.

Contact for more info.